I haven't written much about the writing I'm doing at the moment. Not too sure why that is? Perhaps when I'm immersed in writing mode, I then don't write about it. Perhaps? I dunno. I'm not going to analyse that one.
I'm writing the manuscript for my 2nd book which is called Creating your first ever CV in seven easy steps. Yikes just found that it's on Amazon for pre-sale! Released 27th July 2012!
I was asked to write something about CVs by the publisher and spent a fair bit of time umming and arhing over whether I would do it. There's just soooooo much out there about CV's.
But one thing I didn't find easy to come by, that was, books relating to First Time Ever CV's. There's a huge variety for undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, employees, job seekers, massive salary progression CV's but very limited selection for ages 14-20 in the following groups:-
- still at school and wanting a part time job
- still at school and wanting to leave after 16 or 18 and get a full time job
- still at school/college and wanting work experience or voluntary work/shadowing opportunity
- in first job which they got via a network and wanting to progress to another job
From my experience, these individuals still have very valuable skills and although they may not have a long work history, they just need to show how these skills are transferable by providing evidence. So I decided I was going to write the book, complete with activities, which will take them through a process to find their skills, attributes, abilities and show where they have done something similar. It's a creative book, informal, it's not dull, it's action orientated and my main aim is to help them blossom and find their Chief Skills.
I'm following a similar formula that I developed for my first book Writing a UCAS personal statement in seven easy steps and start with this. In finding this link, I have just discovered that it's now available on Kindle - how cool is that?!?!?!
Anyway, back to it, I pitched, I set a deadline submission for end of March and it was agreed.
So here I am nearly in the month of March and I am doing well for my word count about 26,000 (the word count deadline was 23,000, phew I have bypassed this). I'm juggling this writing and also my work that I do as an external marker for Liverpool John Moores University's World of Work programme, my careers coaching at Liverpool College and working in the Health Food Shop in Longridge.
As I was getting stuck into writing today I wondered how many other writers do it when they have so much else going on. I know authors and writers that go away and devote two weeks to write an extensive manuscript, having planned the formula and content. This helps them to focus entirely on the words, the concepts and what they're trying to convey. They're on their own, being fed by someone who drops food off at the door and then retreats. They stay up all night, not washing for days, not bothering, not being diverted from anything accept writing, writing, and more writing.
This appeals to me alot.
I can see why it works. It must be just so helpful to have this timescale to get the bigger sections down on paper or on screen.
For me, now, I'm fitting in with everything else - it's a bit stop, start, stop, start. I know I'm getting somewhere with it, but this writers life, which is one I have manifested, is a challenge.
I'm feeling tired and not seeing too much daylight as I'm based on my screen most of the days.
Soooooooo..... I am gearing up for this last month of editing, re-reads, rejigs and tweaking and really looking to April, where I can then begin on my 44 Wisdom Card Project and have some time off to just enjoy the lighter nights, walking, moving away from the computer and creating, playing with colour.
It's time.
I have a been a tad creative as my iPod cover collapsed.
Here's the new cover that I created over on Zazzle - so excited to have it - it's such great quality and I am so delighted that it has my own work on there. It's available for purchase toooooo.
Exciting! I may get the hang of this.
Much Love
Jules xxx